Available Hot-Keys
ReoGrid supports the following key processes naturally.
One-step hot-keys
- F2 - Start edit
- F4 - Repeat perform the last action at selected range
- Enter / Tab - Move selection forward
- Shift + Enter / Shift + Tab - Move selection backward
- Up - Move selection upward
- Down - Move selection downward
- Left - Move selection leftward
- Right - Move selection rightward
- Shift + Up - Move focus cell upward to expand current selection
- Shift + Down - Move focus cell downward to expend current selection
- Shift + Left - Move focus cell leftward to expend current selection
- Shift + Right - Move focus cell rightward to expend current selection
- Ctrl + Up - Move focus cell to first row of current column
- Ctrl + Down - Move focus cell to last row of current column
- Ctrl + Left - Move focus cell to first column of current row
- Ctrl + Right - Move focus cell to last column of current row
- Shift + Ctrl + Up - Move focus cell to first row to expand current selection
- Shift + Ctrl + Down - Move focus cell to last row to expend current selection
- Shift + Ctrl + Left - Move focus cell to first column to expend current selection
- Shift + Ctrl + Right - Move focus cell to last column to expend current selection
- Home - Move selection to first cell at current row
- Shift + Home - Move selection to first cell and to expend current selection
- Ctrl + Home - Move selection to first cell and first row of current worksheet
- Shift + Ctrl + Home - Move selection to first cell and first row to expend current selection
- Ctrl + End - Move to last cell and last row of current worksheet
- Shift + Ctrl + End - Move to last cell and last row to expend current selection
- Delete - Delete the content from selected cells
- Backspace - Delete the content from focus cell and enter edit mode
- Escape - abort edit operation and restore the cell content
- Ctrl + A - Select all cells from worksheet
- Ctrl + C - Copy content from selected cells into Clipboard
- Ctrl + V - Paste content from Clipboard into selected range
- Ctrl + X - Cut content from selected cells into Clipboard
- Ctrl + Z - Undo last action
- Ctrl + Y - Redo last action
- Ctrl + + - Zoom in
- Ctrl + - - Zoom out
- Ctrl + 0 - Reset the zoom aspect
Two-step hot-keys
The two-step hot-keys require that press different keys twice to finish a hot-key operation. For example of the End -> Up, it is necessary to press End key once, then press the Up key. When the End key is pressed, ReoGrid will enter Two-step hot-keys process mode to wait the second hot-key; If any unexpected key is pressed or anything else operation is performed, the hot-key operation will be aborted.
- End -> Up - Move selection to first row at current column (Same as Ctrl+Up)
- End -> Down - Move selection to last row at current column (Same as Ctrl+Down)
- End -> Left - Move selection to first cell at current row (Same as Ctrl+Left)
- End -> Right - Move selection to last cell at current row (Same as Ctrl+Right)
- End -> Shift + Up - Move selection to first row to expend current selection (Same as Shift+Ctrl+Up)
- End -> Shift + Down - Move selection to last row to expend current selection (Same as Shift+Ctrl+Down)
- End -> Shift + Left - Move selection to first column to expend current selection (Same as Shift+Ctrl+Left)
- End -> Shift + Right - Move selection to last column to expend current selection (Same as Shift+Ctrl+Right)