
Create and use WorksheetRangeStyle object to pass style items into cells or ranges, call SetRangeStyles method of worksheet to set style object; ReoGrid always use an enumeration called PlainStyleFlag to determine what styles should be handled.

Set Styles

There are several ways to set cell or range styles.

  • Call worksheet methods
  • Use Cell or Range instance
  • Use Actions
  • Use Executable Script

Call Worksheet Methods

Use method SetRangeStyles from worksheet to set styles for cell or range:

sheet.SetRangeStyles("B1:E5", new WorksheetRangeStyle
  // style item flag
  Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FillColor,
  // style item
  BackColor = Color.SkyBlue,

Use Cell or Range instance

Get cell or range instance, then set theirs Style property to change styles.

// for cell
var cell = sheet.Cells["B3"];
cell.Style.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue;

// for range
var range = sheet.Ranges["B1:C3"];
range.Style.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;

Use Actions

Set styles by using action for the ability to undo, redo and repeat operations.

sheet.DoAction(new SetRangeStyleAction(RangePosition range, WorksheetRangeStyle styleSet));

Use Executable Script

When extension ReoGrid build is used, the script execution feature is available. By running script can change cell or range styles:

sheet.getCell(0, 0).style.backgroundColor = 'red';

Learn more about Script Execution.

Get Styles

There are following ways to get styles from cell or range:

  • Call worksheet methods
  • Use cell or range instance
  • Use executable script

Call worksheet methods

Getting styles from cell or range by using worksheet methods:

sheet.GetRangeStyle(RangePosition range);
sheet.GetCellStyle(CellPosition pos);

Use cell or range instance

// for cell
var cell = sheet.Cells["B3"];
var backColor = cell.Style.BackColor;

// for range
var range = sheet.Ranges["B1:C3"];
var backColor = range.Style.BackColor;

Use Executable Script

When extension ReoGrid build is used, the script execution feature is available. By running script can change cell or range styles:

var color = sheet.getCell(0, 0).style.backgroundColor;

Learn more about Script Execution.

Style Items

When call SetRangeStyles method to set styles, the following style items are available for WorksheetRangeStyle object:


Value of PlainStyleFlag

Property Name Type of property
Background Color BackColor BackColor Color or SolidColor
Background Pattern Style FillPatternStyle FillPatternStyle HatchStyles
Background Pattern Color FillPatternColor FillPatternColor Color or SolidColor
Text Color TextColor TextColor Color or SolidColor
Font Name FontName FontName string
Font Size FontSize FontSize float for Windows Form; double for WPF
Font Style: Bold FontStyleBold Bold bool
Font Style: Italic FontStyleItalic Italic bool
Font Style: Underline FontStyleUnderline Underline bool
Font Style: Strikethrough FontStyleStrikethrough Strikethrough bool
Horizontal Alignment HorizontalAlign HAlign ReoGridHorAlign
Vertical Alignment VerticalAlign VAlign ReoGridVerAlign
Text Indent Indent Indent ushort
Wrap Mode TextWrap TextWrapMode TextWrapMode
Rotate Angle RotateAngle RotateAngle int (-90°~90°)
Padding of Cell Body Padding Padding PaddingValue

Background Color

Set background color to range B1:E5:

High Importance-20 Don’t forget to set Flag property, it determines which style item has the value to be applied.

sheet.SetRangeStyles("B1:E5", new WorksheetRangeStyle
    Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FillColor,
    BackColor = Color.SkyBlue,

Background Pattern Color

Set background pattern color to entire grid:

  new unvell.ReoGrid.RangePositionStyle {
    Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FillPattern | PlainStyleFlag.FillColor,
    BackColor = Color.LightYellow,
    FillPatternColor = Color.SkyBlue,
    FillPatternStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.HatchStyle.DiagonalBrick

Text color

Set text color to red:

sheet.SetRangeStyles("B2:B2", new WorksheetRangeStyle()
  Flag = PlainStyleFlag.TextColor,
  TextColor = Color.Red,

Text alignments

Text alignment can be specified on horizontal and vertical directions.


Set cell’s text horizontal alignment to Center:

sheet.SetRangeStyles("A1:C3", new WorksheetRangeStyle
    Flag = PlainStyleFlag.HorizontalAlign,
    HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign.Center,

Text wrap

Set text wrap mode to WordWrap: (default is no-wrap)

sheet[1, 1] = "How many beers can you drink?";
sheet.SetRangeStyles("B2:B2", new WorksheetRangeStyle()
  Flag = PlainStyleFlag.TextWrap,
  TextWrapMode = TextWrapMode.WordBreak,

Text Rotation

Set RotateAngle property of style object to rotate text inside cell:

var cell = sheet.Cells["A1"];
cell.Data = "Hello World";
cell.Style.RotateAngle = 90;  // rotate 90°




Change font name and size:

sheet.SetRangeStyles("B2:B2", new WorksheetRangeStyle()
  Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FontSize | PlainStyleFlag.FontName,
  FontName = "Arial",
  FontSize = 20,

Change font styles:

// use method
sheet.SetRangeStyles("B2", new unvell.ReoGrid.WorksheetRangeStyle
  Flag = unvell.ReoGrid.PlainStyleFlag.FontStyleBold,
  Bold = true,

// use method
sheet.SetRangeStyles("C2", new unvell.ReoGrid.WorksheetRangeStyle
  Flag = unvell.ReoGrid.PlainStyleFlag.FontStyleItalic,
 Italic = true,

// use cell instances
sheet.Cells["B3"].Style.Underline = true;
sheet.Cells["C3"].Style.Strikethrough = true;

// set data
sheet["B2:C3"] =new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strikethrough" };



Remove Style

Always remove style from range even for single cell.

Use worksheet method

By specifying PlainStyleFlag  to decide what styles should be removed. For example to remove all background styles from specified range:

sheet.RemoveRangeStyle(new RangePosition(2, 2, 3, 3), PlainStyleFlag.FillAll);

Use Actions

Remove all background styles from specified range:

sheet.DoAction(new RemoveRangeStyleAction(new RangePosition(2, 2, 3, 3), PlainStyleFlag.FillAll));

8 Responses to “Style”

  1. Brad Foster says:

    I am trying to do this:
    // for cell
    var cell = sheet.Cells[“B3”];
    cell.Style.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue;

    my code is:
    var cell =shtSheet1.Cells{iSkidIndex, iTDIndex];
    cell.Style.BackColor =

    Completing the last line with Color.SkyBlue give an error that “The name ‘Color’ does not exist in the current context’
    What am I doing wrong?? BTW, thanks for a great grid control. It is wonderful!!!
    Brad Foster

    • Jing says:

      Do you using Windows Form edition? If so you may have to import the System.Drawing.DLL and its namespace: using System.Drawing;. Or you can use SolidColor class instead of Color class.

  2. Prakash says:

    in C++/Cli , i have to set style twice.
    is there a better way to set string at cell center (both horizontally & vertically)

    WorksheetRangeStyle ^style = gcnew WorksheetRangeStyle();
    style->Flag = PlainStyleFlag::VerticalAlign;
    style->VAlign = ReoGridVerAlign::Middle;
    reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->SetRangeStyles(0, 0, reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->RowCount, 4, style);
    style->HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign::Center;
    style->Flag = PlainStyleFlag::HorizontalAlign;
    reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->SetRangeStyles(0, 0, reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->RowCount, 4, style);

    Thanks & Regards

    • Jing says:

      You can union the flag:

      style->Flag = PlainStyleFlag::VerticalAlign | PlainStyleFlag::HorizontalAlign;
      style->VAlign = ReoGridVerAlign::Middle;
      style->HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign::Center;
      reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->SetRangeStyles(RangePosition.EntireRange, style);

      Not sure RangePosition.EntireRange or RangePosition::EntireRange.

  3. Prakash says:

    One more question, can we set default row height of entire sheet using style?
    I have to do this for every entry :
    reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->SetRowsHeight(0, reoGridControl1->CurrentWorksheet->RowCount, 35);

    Thanks & Regards

  4. Oscar says:

    Im trying to set background color, but PlainStyleFlag.FillColor flag does not sow up. Im working on a windows form. Thanks for your time