ReoGrid Forum

Fast and powerful .NET Spreadsheet Component

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#1 2014-12-25 06:40:06

Registered: 2014-08-20
Posts: 196


Hello Jing,
   I have question about this CellFormatFlag.. Does this just let numbers only with copy and paste?

i have this code to only let me use numbers only? or do still need it for what i am trying to do?

Also, How do you use DrawToBitmap function? does make image of what is the highlighted area or selected range?

Private Sub rgMainControl_BeforePaste(sender As Object, e As BeforeRangeOperationEventArgs) Handles rgMainControl.BeforePaste
        Dim data(,) As Object
        Dim range As ReoGridRange

        'WorkSheet Settings
        'Checks to see if the paste is numeric or alpha
        With rgMainControl
            data = RGUtility.ParseTabbedString(Clipboard.GetText)

            range = New ReoGridRange(.SelectionRange.Row, .SelectionRange.Col, data.GetLength(0), data.GetLength(1))

            For i As Integer = 0 To data.GetLength(0) - 1
                For j As Integer = 0 To data.GetLength(1) - 1
                    If Not IsNumeric(data(i, j)) Then
                        e.IsCancelled = True
                        data(i, j) = Nothing
                    End If
        End With

        'WorkBook Settings
        With rgMainControlContainer
            .DoAction(New SetRangeDataAction(range, data))
        End With
    End Sub

and this checks also if the cell data is number also

 Private Sub rgMainControl_CellDataChanged(sender As Object, e As CellEventArgs) Handles rgMainControl.CellDataChanged
        'Checks to see if the create the grid and if so exit the sub.
        If m_blnSetup Then Exit Sub

        'checks to see what row if the rows are 0 or 1 and exit the sub
        If e.Cell.Row = 0 Then Exit Sub

        'Checks to see if values in the cell are numeric and also all cells are filled.
        With rgMainControl
            If e.Cell.Column = (.ColumnCount - 1) Then
                If Not .Cells(e.Cell.Row, (.ColumnCount - 1)).Data Is Nothing Then
                    If IsNumeric(.Cells(e.Cell.Row, (.ColumnCount - 1)).Data.ToString) Then
                        dtFactorData.Rows((e.Cell.Row - 1))("GreenYData") = CDbl(.Cells(e.Cell.Row, (.ColumnCount - 1)).Data.ToString)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End With

        'Checks to see if the can enable the next button
        Call CheckDataCompletion()
    End Sub


#2 2014-12-25 07:36:45

From: jing at
Registered: 2014-06-03
Posts: 615

Re: CellDataFormatFlag.Number?

Hi, CellDataFormatFlag is only used for cell display format, it cannot be used to validate the cell data. But I think the data validation would be useful, it's possible to make another feature that is similar as the 'Data Validation' in Excel available from next version (the will be a maintaining release, this might be available from

I just found that DrawToBitmap method doesn't work properly; It will be fixed from next release, and I will try to implement the feature that can render specified range.


#3 2014-12-25 11:47:30

Registered: 2014-08-20
Posts: 196

Re: CellDataFormatFlag.Number?

Hello Jing,
   Thank you.. I will wait for you maintenance release.. That would be good idea if you add data validation into the control, Even though the  code works good.. I think would be little easier because you can have it handle everything..



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