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Fast and powerful .NET Spreadsheet Component

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#1 2015-07-14 08:35:13

Registered: 2015-05-20
Posts: 6

Custom Data Formatter and GetData

Hi Jing,

In this version, the IDataFormatter is working. Thanks.
In the documentation that you provided, you use GetData<double> to get the value as a number and to convert it. It works the first time (value set by code) but if the user change the value, the internal Data member of the cell returns to a string and GetData<double>() returns 0 (even if the user types only figures).
I had to convert it manually to a numeric value.
If the setting of Edit_AutoFormatCell is false, then it doesn't work even the first time because the Custom DataFormatter isn't called at all.

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Worksheet ws = grid.Worksheets[0];
            unvell.ReoGrid.DataFormat.DataFormatterManager.Instance.DataFormatters.Add(unvell.ReoGrid.DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Custom, new MyDataFormatter());
            // This, if uncommented, disables the Custom format
            //ws.SetSettings(unvell.ReoGrid.WorksheetSettings.Edit_AutoFormatCell, false);
            ReoGridCell cell = ws.Cells[1, 1];

            cell.DataFormat = unvell.ReoGrid.DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Custom;
            cell.DataFormatArgs = "SecondToTime";
            cell.Data = 1200;

            cell = ws.CreateAndGetCell(1, 2);
            cell.DataFormat = unvell.ReoGrid.DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Custom;
            cell.DataFormatArgs = "SecondToTime";


    class MyDataFormatter : unvell.ReoGrid.DataFormat.IDataFormatter
        public string FormatCell(ReoGridCell cell)
            // This doesn't work
            double val = cell.GetData<double>();

            // This works
            double val2 = 0;
            unvell.ReoGrid.Utility.CellUtility.TryGetNumberData(cell.Data, out val2);
            // This works also (without test for incorrect entry)
            double val1 = double.Parse(cell.Data.ToString());
            var df = cell.DataFormatArgs;
            if (df != null)
                if (df is string)
                    switch (df as string)
                        case "SecondToTime":
                                // doesn't handle the incorrect values
                                return new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)val1).ToString();
            return val1 < 0 ? string.Format("[{0}]", (-val1).ToString("###,###,##0.00")) : val1.ToString("###,###,###.00");

        public bool PerformTestFormat()
            return true;

Fortunately, there is a workaround smile

Best regards


#2 2015-07-14 15:22:24

From: jing at
Registered: 2014-06-03
Posts: 615

Re: Custom Data Formatter and GetData

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the information, and very nice sample.

The Cell.GetData<double> method would be fixed in next release.

Regards, Jing


#3 2015-08-03 06:00:51

From: jing at
Registered: 2014-06-03
Posts: 615

Re: Custom Data Formatter and GetData

This problem has been fixed in Thanks for report.


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