Iterate Cells

ReoGrid provides a method named IterateCells which is used to iterate through all valid cells. ReoGrid uses a paging-indexed two-dimensional array to manage all cells in memory. IterateCells method can skip the empty cells, empty index-pages and merged cells in order to get better performance.


public void IterateCells(string addressOrName, Func<int, int, ReoGridCell, bool> iterator);
public void IterateCells(RangePosition range, Func<int, int, ReoGridCell, bool> iterator);
public void IterateCells(int row, int col, int rows, int cols, Func<int, int, ReoGridCell, bool> iterator);

Usage (C#):

sheet.IterateCells(range, (row, col, cell) =>
  // return true to continue iterate, return false to abort
  return true;

Usage (VB.NET):

sheet.IterateCells(range, Function(row, col, cell)
  ' return true to continue iterate, return false to abort
  Return True
End Function)

Skip conditions

Iterate Cells

IterateCells method skips the following objects:

  • Empty cells - A cell without any data and own styles set, it will be skipped during iteration
  • Empty index-pages - An index-page without any cells attached, it will be skipped during iteration
  • Invalid cells - A cell merged by another cell, it will become invalid and skipped by this method


A sample to sum values through inside a specified range. (the code-behind of sum function)

public static double Sum(Worksheet sheet, RangePosition range)
  double val = 0;

  sheet.IterateCells(range, (row, col, cell) =>
    if (ScriptRunningMachine.IsNumber(cell.Data))
      val += ScriptRunningMachine.GetDoubleValue(cell.Data);
    return true;

  return val;

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