Built-in sheet tab control

From version 0.8.8 the multiple worksheet is available, to switch between multiple worksheet, a built-in sheet tab control is contained in both Windows Form and WPF ReoGrid control.

Built-in sheet tab control

By default, the sheet tab control displayed below worksheet.

Windows Form




Scroll sheet tab control

It is possible to scroll the tab control by holding press on the arrow buttons at left side of control.


Hide sheet tab control

To hide sheet tab control, set WorkbookSettings.View_ShowSheetTabControl to false:


grid.SetSettings(unvell.ReoGrid.WorkbookSettings.View_ShowSheetTabControl, false);


grid.SetSettings(unvell.ReoGrid.WorkbookSettings.View_ShowSheetTabControl, False)

After hide:


Set width of tab control

Use property SheetTabControlWidth of control to change the width of sheet tab control:

grid.SheetTabControlWidth = 200;

Tip: It is possible to read this property, save and load it to restore the user interface after next application boot.


Change background color and text color for sheet tab

To change the background color and text color, use property NameBackColor and NameTextColor of worksheet:

grid.Worksheets[1].NameBackColor = Color.LightCoral;



Hide new worksheet button

To hide new sheet button, set the SheetTabNewButtonVisible property to false:

grid.SheetTabNewButtonVisible = false;



Sheet tab context strip menu

Right click on the sheet tab will pop up a context strip menu:


To set context strip menu:

grid.SheetTabContextMenuStrip = myContextStripMenu;

To prevent built-in pop up menu, set the property to an empty menu strip:

grid.SheetTabContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip();

Change the context strip menu languages

By changing the value of properties from class LanguageResource to change the text on context menu:

LanguageResource.Menu_InsertSheet = "Insert";

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Next: Memory Workbook

5 Responses to “Built-in sheet tab control”

  1. Porgy says:

    Hey, just a quick comment:
    Shouldn’t the horizontal scroll bar expand to the full width of the control box when the tab control is disabled?

    • jing says:

      Yes when the tab control is hidden the horizontal scroll bar will be expended to full width of control. I have added a picture of that.

  2. Polycarp says:

    Hi King,

    Is there a way to over ride the New sheet * so that the user first sees a dialog asking him to select the number of rows and columns before creating the new sheet with those number of columns and rows??


    • Jing says:

      You can use WorksheetInserted event, show dialog after event and call the Resize method from Worksheet property of event argument.

  3. Nasheayahu HaNathsar says:

    How do you create a SheetTabContextMenuStrip in WPF? I only see:

    ContextMenu RowHeaderContextMenu
    ContextMenu ColumnHeaderContextMenu
    ContextMenu LeadHeaderContextMenu
    ContextMenu CellsContextMenu

    Is this possible?