
Workbook Events

Event When
WorksheetCreated When new worksheet instance has been created
WorksheetInserted When worksheet has been inserted into workbook
WorksheetRemoved When worksheet has been removed from workbook
BeforeWorksheetNameChange Before name of worksheet change, set IsCancelled property can abort this operation
WorksheetNameChanged When name of worksheet has been changed
SettingsChanged When any settings of workbook has been changed
ExceptionHappened When any internal exception happen from any worksheet

Action Events

Event When
ActionPerformed When any actions have been performed
Undid When undid action
Redid When redid action

Worksheet Events

Worksheet events available for worksheet instances. To get an instance of worksheet, use the CurrentWorksheet or Worksheets[index] property of workbook (grid control). See Worksheet.

Cell Events

Event When
BeforeCellEdit Before any cells to be changed to edit mode
AfterCellEdit When any cells have been edited by user
CellDataChanged When data of cell have been changed
CellMouseEnter When mouse moved into a cell, the cell will be hovered
CellMouseLeave When mouse leaved from a hovered cell
CellMouseDown When mouse button pressed inside a cell
CellMouseUp When mouse button released inside a cell
CellMouseMove When mouse moving inside a cell

About the cell edit events see cell edit event flow.

Keyboard Events

BeforeCellKeyDown When user pressed any key on worksheet (before native behaviors)
AfterCellKeyDown When user pressed any key on worksheet (after native behaviors)
CellKeyUp When user released any key on worksheet

Rows and Columns Events

Event When
RowInserted When user inserted rows
RowDeleted When user deleted rows
ColInserted When user inserted columns
ColDeleted When user deleted columns
RowsHeightChanged When rows height changed
ColumnsWidthChanged When columns width changed
RowFiltered When rows applied filter
RowSorted When rows sorted

Range Events

Event When
RangeDataChanged When data update opeartions to a range performed
RangeMerged When range merged
RangeUnmerged When range unmerged
RangeStyleChanged When styles have been set
BeforeRangeCopy Before selected range will be copied
BeforeRangeMove Before selected range will be moved
AfterRangeCopy After range copy operation
AfterRangeMove After range move operation

Border Events

Event When
BorderAdded When borders have been set
BorderRemoved When borders have been removed

Selection Events

Event When
SelectionRangeChanged After selection range changed
SelectionRangeChanging Fired during selection changing by mouse
SelectionModeChanged When selection mode changed
SelectionStyleChanged When selection style changed
SelectionForwardDirectionChanged When selection forwarding direction changed
SelectionMovedForward When selection will be moved into next position
HoverPosChanged When mouse move over on cells
FocusPosChanged When focused cell changed

Learn more about Selection.

Outline Events

Event When
OutlineAdded When an outline has been added onto the spreadsheet
OutlineRemoved When an outline has been removed from the spreadsheet
BeforeOutlineCollapse When user clicked on the – button of an outline to collapse it
AfterOutlineCollapse When an outline has been collapsed
BeforeOutlineExpand When user clicked on the + button of an outline to expand it
AfterOutlineExpand When an outline has been expanded

For usage of outline events, see Group & Outline.

Freeze Events

Event When
CellsFrozen When worksheet has been frozen
CellsUnfrozen When worksheet has been unfrozen

Learn more about freeze, see freeze.

Generic Events

Event When
Scaled When control scaled (zoom in/out)
FileLoaded When content of control loaded from a file stream (load from given stream will not fire this event)
FileSaved When content of control have been saved into file stream (save into given stream will not fire this event)
Resetted When control has been reset to default status

Clipboard Events

Event When
BeforeCopy Before doing copy operation
AfterCopy When range copied from Clipboard
BeforePaste Before doing paste operation
AfterPaste When range pasted from Clipboard
BeforeCut Before doing cut operation
AfterCut When range cut by user
OnPasteError When errors happened during paste operation


Set editable range by handling event

Many before-event provided by ReoGrid have the property IsCancelled, which can be set as true to notify Control to cancel the following operations. It typically to be used to prevent the cell-edit or outline-collapse/expand operations.

For example, to only allow the text editing inside specified range:

// select a worksheet
var sheet = grid.CurrentWorksheet;

// create a range define
var editableRange = new RangePosition(3,1,2,3);

// set borders to range
sheet.SetRangeBorder(editableRange, BorderPositions.Outside, RangeBorderStyle.BlackSolid);

// set text and handle events
sheet[2, 1] = "Edit only be allowed in this range:";
sheet.BeforeCellEdit += (s, e) => e.IsCancelled = !editableRange.Contains(e.Cell.GetPos());


Next: Built-in Cell Types

18 Responses to “Events”

  1. damien says:

    Do you have an event “after column resize”?

    • Jing says:

      Current there is no event for columns and rows resizing. But it is able to use ActionPerformed event to monitor all actions from end-user. When end-user changes the column width an instance of SetColumnsWidthAction class will be passed to the handler of ActionPerformed event.

  2. damien says:

    Do you have an event “cell selected”?

    • Jing says:

      You could check the SelectionRangeChanged or FocusPosChanged event.

      • damien says:

        sorry I do not know how to setup to get the range event (grid event is OK). Do you have an example?

        • damien says:

          I do not have all the events, for example CellMouseDown. Is it due to the fact I have the 8.8 version?

          • Jing says:

            There is no 8.8 version. Right click on ReoGrid.dll and select “Properties” to check what version you are using. Some events actually not available in old versions.

          • damien says:

            no cell events if I look at the properties of the grid

          • Jing says:

            CellMouseDown event is worksheet event so you may need to get an instance of worksheet by using like reoGridControl.CurrentWorksheet method firstly.

            Sorry for a long thread comment but post questions in will be helpful.

  3. Saleh says:

    there is one big issue that I have been struggling with for the past 5 days.
    I want to update both formula and data at the same time, but whenever I update one an event is raised to erase the other one.
    I cannot have both formula and data assigned to a cell which is a big BUG.

  4. Saleh says:

    Thanks for the whole API, but there is one major event is missing which is AfterRangeKeyDown if it can be added it would be great and cause me less headache.

  5. arlodvig says:

    Hello Jing

    Do you have an event “after a filter action”?

  6. zzy says:

    How can I cancel the copy made by draging the lower right conor of the selection range? I tried brforeRangeCopy event and it does not fire.
    And how to cancel or monitor the data deleted by pressing delete key on the keyboard?