ReoGrid Forum

Fast and powerful .NET Spreadsheet Component

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#1 2015-08-24 14:13:45

Registered: 2014-08-20
Posts: 196

Not Drawing correctly

Hello Jing,
    I am using the new beta version and testing with my application and i see thing strange behavior.


I have the top row frozen and there was no overlap in the grid.. As you scrolled it show no half rows like it does now.. I have not check any of the other grid in the application yet..

 Private Sub CreateNestedGrid()
        'workbook setting
        With rgMainControlContainer
            'Removes the Scrollbars and Worksheet Tab Control
            .SetSettings(WorkbookSettings.View_ShowScrolls Or WorkbookSettings.View_ShowSheetTabControl, False)

            'Sets the control width size
            Select Case cboFactorSelection.SelectedIndex
                Case 0
                    .Width = 381
                Case 1
                    .Width = 481
            End Select

            'Sets the control height size
            .Height = 351
        End With

        'Creates the NestGrid Datatable
        dtFactorData = Tools.GenerateInputLayout(FactorList, FactorListSize)

        'Checks to see if there are rows are returned
        If dtFactorData.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

        'WorkSheet Setting
        With rgMainControl

            'Sets the number of rows and columns
            .SetRows(dtFactorData.Rows.Count + 1)

            'Sets the selection Mode
            .SelectionMode = WorksheetSelectionMode.Cell

            'Sets the validrange
            Dim posOne As New ReoGridPos(1, .ColumnCount - 1)
            Dim posTwo As New ReoGridPos(.RowCount - 1, .ColumnCount - 1)

            validRange = New ReoGridRange(String.Format("{0}:{1}", posOne.ToAddress, posTwo.ToAddress))

            'Sets the selection range of the validrange
            .SelectionRange = New ReoGridRange(validRange.StartPos)

            'Removes the RowHeader and Column Header
            .SetSettings(WorksheetSettings.View_ShowRowHeader Or WorksheetSettings.View_ShowColumnHeader, False)

            'Freezes the Header Row
            .FreezeToCell(1, 1, FreezePosition.Top)

            'Sets the column header size.
            .ColumnHeaders(0).Width = 80
            .ColumnHeaders(1).Width = 100
            .ColumnHeaders(2).Width = 100
            .ColumnHeaders(3).Width = 100

            'Sets the Row Header Size
            .RowHeaders(0).Height = 30

            'Checks to see if the are 3 factors
            If cboFactorSelection.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
                .ColumnHeaders(4).Width = 100
            End If

            'Border Styles
            .SetRangeBorders(New ReoGridRange(0, 0, .RowCount, .ColumnCount), BorderPositions.All, _
                            New RangeBorderStyle() With {.Color = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(RGB(89, 89, 89)),
                                                           .Style = BorderLineStyle.Solid})

            'Sets Text Alignment
            .SetRangeStyles(New ReoGridRange(0, 0, .RowCount, .ColumnCount),
                           New WorksheetRangeStyle() With {.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.AlignAll,
                                                          .HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign.Center,
                                                          .VAlign = ReoGridVerAlign.Middle})

            'Sets the Header Row Styles
            .SetRangeStyles(New ReoGridRange(0, 0, 1, .ColumnCount),
                           New WorksheetRangeStyle() With {.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.BackColor Or PlainStyleFlag.TextColor Or PlainStyleFlag.FontStyleBold _
                                                           Or PlainStyleFlag.TextWrap,
                                                          .BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(RGB(78, 78, 78)),
                                                          .TextColor = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(RGB(166, 166, 166)),
                                                          .Bold = True,
                                                          .TextWrapMode = TextWrapMode.WordBreak})

            'Sets the Background Colors
            .SetRangeStyles(New ReoGridRange(1, 0, (.RowCount - 1), (.ColumnCount - 1)),
                           New WorksheetRangeStyle() With {.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.BackColor Or PlainStyleFlag.TextColor,
                                                          .BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(RGB(50, 50, 50)),
                                                          .TextColor = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(RGB(166, 166, 166))})

            'Sets the background color and forecolor for last column cells
            .SetRangeStyles(New ReoGridRange(1, (.ColumnCount - 1), (.RowCount - 1), 1),
                              New WorksheetRangeStyle() With {.Flag = PlainStyleFlag.BackColor Or PlainStyleFlag.TextColor Or PlainStyleFlag.FontSize,
                                                             .BackColor = Color.Black,
                                                             .TextColor = Color.White,
                                                             .FontSize = 8})

            'Sets Readonly on the header row
            For i As Integer = 0 To .ColumnCount - 1
                .Cells(0, i).IsReadOnly = True

            'Sets Readonly on the display cells
            For i As Integer = 1 To .RowCount - 1
                For j As Integer = 0 To .ColumnCount - 2
                    .Cells(i, j).IsReadOnly = True

            'Sets the Row Header Titles
            Select Case cboFactorSelection.SelectedIndex
                Case 0
                    .SetCellData("A1", "Run")
                    .SetCellData("B1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtFactorADescription.Text, "Factor A"))
                    .SetCellData("C1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtFactorBDescription.Text, "Factor B"))
                    .SetCellData("D1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtGreenY.Text, "GreenY"))
                Case 1
                    .SetCellData("A1", "Run")
                    .SetCellData("B1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtFactorADescription.Text, "Factor A"))
                    .SetCellData("C1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtFactorBDescription.Text, "Factor B"))
                    .SetCellData("D1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtFactorCDescription.Text, "Factor C"))
                    .SetCellData("E1", IsNullOrEmpty(txtGreenY.Text, "GreenY"))
            End Select

            'Fills the grid from the datatable
            For i As Integer = 0 To dtFactorData.Rows.Count - 1
                For j As Integer = 0 To dtFactorData.Columns.Count - 1
                    .Cells((i + 1), j).DataFormat = DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Text
                    .Cells((i + 1), j).Data = dtFactorData.Rows(i)(j).ToString()

            'Sets the cell position
            .FocusPos = New ReoGridPos(1, (.ColumnCount - 1))
        End With

        'Enables the has been setup for the grid
        m_blnHasBeenSetup = True
    End Sub

This code i use to create the spreadsheet grid.. i have not change anything, but name changes you made to methods and functions.


Last edited by asparatu (2015-08-24 14:17:38)


#2 2015-08-24 15:11:53

From: jing at
Registered: 2014-06-03
Posts: 615

Re: Not Drawing correctly

Hi Shane, this is a bug in 0.8.9 version, I will fix it as soon as possible, thanks for the information.


#3 2015-09-07 03:00:47

From: jing at
Registered: 2014-06-03
Posts: 615

Re: Not Drawing correctly

This problem has been fixed in version.


#4 2015-09-07 08:17:23

Registered: 2014-08-20
Posts: 196

Re: Not Drawing correctly

Hello Jing,
   Thank you.. i just download it.. and trying it now..

Update: it works fine..

Last edited by asparatu (2015-09-07 08:18:26)


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