Custom Data Formatter

It is possible to format cell data by using custom cell data formatter, cell data formatter is defined as the interface below:

public interface IDataFormatter
  // Return a formatted string for specified cell
  string FormatCell(ReoGridCell cell);

  // Determines that whether or not to check all unformatted cell
  bool PerformTestFormat(); // Usually need to return true here

Create a custom cell data formatter

To create a cell data formatter, create a class that implements the IDataFormatter interface:

class MyDataFormatter : IDataFormatter
  public string FormatCell(ReoGridCell cell)
   double val = cell.GetData<double>();
   return val < 0 ? string.Format("[{0}]", (-val).ToString("###,###,##0.00")) : val.ToString("###,###,###.00");

  public bool PerformTestFormat()
    return true;

To apply this formatter class:

DataFormatterManager.Instance.DataFormatters.Add(CellDataFormatFlag.Custom, new MyDataFormatter());

To use this formatter:

cell.DataFormat = CellDataFormatFlag.Custom;
cell.Data = 12345.6789;


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